2010 Class Pictures
100% of our PMP© Prep students (since 2007) have honoured us with written testimonials below. Being completely optional and for personal reasons, two students wished not to have their pictures included, yet were very happy with their class experience here at QCP.
Many past students have unsolicitly offered to take calls from prospective students. We would be happy to put you in touch with one of them. Corporate onsite classes are not pictured.

December 2010 Weekday Class

November/December 2010 Weekend Class

November 2010 Weekday Class

October/November 2010 Weekend Class

September/October 2010 Weekend Class

October 2010 Weekday Class

September 2010 Weekday Class

August 2010 Weekday Class

July/August 2010 Weekend Class

June 2010 Weekday Class

May/June 2010 Weekend Class

May 2010 Weekday Class

April/May 2010 Weekend Class

April/May 2010 Weekday Class

March/April 2010 Weekend Class

March 2010 Weekday Class

February 2010 Weekday B Class

February 2010 Weekday Class

January/February 2010 Weekend Class

January 2010 Weekday Class